Time, Time Travel, and Everlasting Life

Does it make any sense at all?

Raised in a Roman Catholic upbringing, I was always in belief that if we were good Christians we would all be rewarded after death, with everlasting Life. I still believe this.

Although my life experiences of episodes involving the Other Side have modified my belief system, I still hold true to Life Everlasting as promised. Holding that belief though, I’ve tried to “make sense of it all” in my head. Blind Faith is one thing but as we, in general, race faster towards the ends of our lives, most of us can’t help but try to see though the mystery so as to give us a rational reason to embrace that ultimate journey we all are on. Death is coming. Everyone gets there sooner or later.

When my Mother passed away I remember seeing Back To The Future and imagining how wonderful it would be to travel back in time to see her again. Young, vibrant and full of Life. That’s when it occurred to me. If Time Travel is possible, then every moment in Time must exist at the same time. Every… single… moment. Each second, each nanosecond, every measurable and non-measurable moment. A Time Traveler arriving there would find whichever slice of time he arrives at, and everything is alive and well and moving forward from there into it’s future which may or may not be relevant to the traveler.

So when we’re taught that Life is everlasting, maybe that isn’t such a stretch to believe after all. We exist. Therefore we exist forever. We may not be incarnated in this body during but a fraction of existence, but because all time exists at the same time, we always do exist. Therefore, it’s true we never die either, not on a universal/time level anyway.

The only way any of us truly die is if Time itself dies. If we believe in an everlasting God, then time can not die or God would die with it. And that only reinforces the statement that we are everlasting as well since God has existed for all eternity.

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